Thursday, 9 October 2014

Zombie Ted’ to feature Chris Attoh

Zombie Ted’ to feature Chris Attoh

Chris Attoh Zombie Ted
Actor and Radio/TV personality, Chris Attoh hinted that he could soon return to the US for another international movie, Zombie Ted.

According to IMDb it is now an almost sealed deal as the movie database has listed Chris a member of the cast.

It goes further to reveal that Chris would be playing a character called Ricky.

The movie is written and directed by Anne Welles and other cast members include Hemky Madera, Jennifer Sun Bell, Timothy Brennen Kimberly Leemans and Mark Irvingsen.

The estimated budget for Zombie Ted is $150,000. Production will begin in May 2015 and it is expected to be released 15 October 2015.

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